History (1)
- Slavery
|Code black of Louisiana|Negros hawking the decree of stamping from the President Lincoln|The Negro's complaint|The dream of the Negro|catholicism and slavery in 1851(in french)|Slavery history published in 1843 (in french)|General considerations on the black race in XVIIIe|A abolitionist, the Gregoire abbot, his relationships with authority in 1819 (unpublisher files)|A U.S. ablolistionist : Dr DOY (1855)|Photographs published in France in 1901:A pastime of the Negros - cockfight, the hovel of a Negro family, Negros working with the gathering of cotton in thePlain ones of the south, Lynching in the United States||Un procès pour meurtre à la Martinique en 1828||A lawsuit for murder in Martinique in 1828|Considération sur la condition Noire à la Guadeloupe, par un Noir, en 1828||Consideration on the Black condition in Guadeloupe, by a Black, in 1828|
- Indians and metis:
|Indian genocide (1851)|
|Melvin Beaudry's research (a fine adventure concerning the Metis people)|
- Maps, Slavery and Farwest Pictures - XIXe century - database (under construction)
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